Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bits and pieces...

Spring has sprung and hs brought with it many many little capsicum seedlings...My radishes are powering on and most of my beans have sprouted! It's all very exciting. I sowed some tomato seeds the other day so I'm waiting for them to pop up too. Yay for fresh home grown produce!
Nadine made dinner the other night - Shepards Pie from Skinny Bitch in the Kitch. It's a pretty awesome recipe...
Nadine bought me a tea-sub when I was sick...It's a freaking sub marine tea infuser!!!!
Tonight's dinner was this Millet Garden Medley. Pretty delicious and very cheap! Made about 6 large/ 8 regular sized servings. That's like, a whole week!
I also sewed a skirt! From an actual pattern! (Never done that before.) It's pretty good. Fits just right :)